The recently popular drama "Imperfect Victims" has a complex and tumultuous plot, sparking discussions among the public about the characters and the storyline. The story revolves around a workplace sexual assault case reported through a third-party anonymous tip: the female victim, Zhao Xun (played by Lin Yun), initially denies being harmed but reports rape five days later, accusing the suspect, Cheng Gong (played by Liu Yijun). Lin Han (played by Zhou Xun), the defense lawyer for the accused, embarks on an investigation and portrays the perspectives of the parties involved. Yan Ming (played by Zhong Chuxi) is an upright and courageous police officer who consistently shows concern and empathy towards female victims, demonstrating a commitment to truth and fairness. Yan Ming receives Zhao Xun's report and, in the process of gathering evidence, strives to assist Zh...